Schnippsel – Pilotfolge

Facebook’s auto-playing videos in an ISIS era (Sam Machkovech, Ars Technica)

Vor einigen Monaten implementierte Facebook eine Autoplay-Lösung für Videos. Seitdem werden sämtliche verlinkten bzw. auf Facebook hochgeladenen Videos automatisch – ohne Ton – abgespielt, sobald man an ihnen vorbei scrollt.

Der IS dürfte dieses „Feature“ begrüßen, denn:

Should an ISIS beheading or similarly disturbing content find its way to someone’s Facebook news feed while that user hasn’t opted out of the site’s video feature—a process possibly more complicated than it needs to be—they’re in for a rude awakening.

Sich vor einer solchen Situation zu bewahren ist mindestens mühevoll, denn das automatische Abspielen muss für jede Plattform einzeln abgestellt werden.


Helping Jakarta track flooding in real time to save more lives (Mark Gillis, Twitter)

In Zusammenarbeit mit Twitter sammeln die Universität von Wollongong und BPBD DKI Jakarta auf  Daten zu überfluteten Gebieten während des Monsuns.

The SMART Infrastructure Facility from the University of Wollongong and BPBD DKI Jakarta have launched, a research project that leverages community participation to report flood-related Tweets and provide live updates for faster response times during flooding emergencies. This program is a first-in-the-world collaboration between a disaster management agency, a university and Twitter to use social data to both build a working model and provide real-time response to a natural disaster.


Build Ferguson Youth Tech Program (Hands Up United, gofundme)

The revolution will be digitized. Computer programming and web development are 21st century skills that can be used to activate ideas, grow small businesses and build grass-root movements. As a way to close the digital divide and address the issues of economic equality, Hands Up United will lead technical training workshops to the Ferguson community.

Hands Up United is a youth led movement that started in Ferguson, MO after the brutal execution of Mike Brown by Ferguson Police Officer, Darren Wilson. A moment that sparked a movement on the grounds of cities across the nation is once again sparking a movement, but on the digital front.


 Wireless in Gaza: the young entrepreneurs beating the blockades (Patrick Kingsley, The Guardian)

Gaza hat ein eigenes Uber:

Notoriously, Uber lets you hitch a ride with any random driver; Wasselni doesn’t. You can ride-share with one of your Facebook friends, but the only strangers on the system are vetted cabbies. More symbolically, while Uber was conceived by a brash American bored of waiting for taxis in the San Francisco rain, Wasselni was dreamed up by Mariam Abultewi, then a 22-year-old refugee waiting for a lift in the middle of the Gaza strip.

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